Nutrition & Lifestyle


Role of Fiber in Metabolic and Gut Health

Role of Fiber in Metabolic and Gut Health The human diet has changed dramatically over the last few hundred years, which helps to explain the enormous disparity in the frequency of chronic metabolic disease between industrialized and developing countries. The energy-dense, high-glycemic-load foods that are a hallmark of the Western diet have filled the void […]
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A Closer Look into Micronutrient Deficiencies

Micronutrient malnutrition is a form of undernutrition caused by a dietary deficiency of vitamins or minerals. Vitamin A deficiency, iron deficiency anemia, and iodine deficiency disorders are the most common forms of Micronutrient malnutrition as discussed in one of our previous blogs (Add the link of “the prevalence of malnutrition” once it’s published) ● Vitamin […]
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Unclocking the future of Nutrition

The beginning of the session saw Moderator Mr. Arun Mishra, Head Global, Health & Wellness, Regulatory Affairs, Unilever extending a warm welcome and introduction of the panelists. Dr. Jagmeet Madan, National President, IDA shared here views highlighting as to why the micronutrients are relevant in these COVID times. She shared that it’s not a hidden […]
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